CEO's greeting > 공지사항

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CEO's greeting

페이지 정보

작성자 최고관리자 작성일 24-11-06 11:40 조회 40회 댓글 0건


Technology is competitive!!!

A company that realizes customer satisfaction with unique technology and rich experience!!!

​As the Mechanical Equipment Act is enforced, the management entity of the target building is a qualified mechanical equipment maintenance manager.

We have been appointed and conducted a performance check.

Mechanical facilities are designed to ensure the safety of the operation of the system and recover discarded energy resources.

Maintaining maximum operating efficiency is a challenge.

Based on our long accumulated maintenance experience, we are the best at maintaining mechanical facilities.

To become a Green World Co., Ltd. that receives trust and love from customers by providing technical services.

We'll try. Thank you.

Green World Co., Ltd

CEO Nohyangop


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